Meet Joe & Mary Purcell

After graduating from RHEMA Bible Training Center in 1988, Joe Purcell, with his wife, Mary, and their family, followed God’s call to Providenya, Russia — a Siberian village in far eastern Russia. There, he established a vibrant church, which served as an outpost for sending mission teams across the frozen tundra to the unreached villages throughout that barren region. When the Lord directed Joe and his family to another location in Russia, a native of the Providenyian village, Larissa, was ordained as the Pastor, where she continues the great work of the ministry in this region of Russia. Though Joe and Mary are now the Directors for RHEMA Singapore, the church in Providenya continues to be supported through Joe Purcell Ministries. Our gifts to the ministry are designated to support the church in Providenya.

Preaching the Gospel

Joe and Mary not only serve as Directors of RHEMA Singapore, but also travel throughout the nations of Asia, fulfilling the call to “preach the gospel unto the uttermost part of the earth”.